Break Through to The Next Level

Double and Triple your Income with Coaching

Learn how Curt took his business from $250,000 per year to $3 Million per year in commission and fees plus how you can do the same!




Next Live FTP Mentorship Event:

May 20-21


Curt Has Been Seen and Heard On:

Welcome to a Proven Process

Follow the Process

The first and most important system you can have is an effective presentation system. Along with Follow the Process, you will gain access to Red, Blue, Green Concepts ® (RBG). RBG is a proprietary presentation system that has proven to double, triple, and even quadruple the size of other financial advisors’ income. Follow the Process with Curt Whipple to learn how he created a multi-million dollar practice and continues to maintain it year after year.

RBG takes the guesswork out of diversifying a client’s portfolio and instead uses technology that displays proper allocation of assets to you and the client. Proper diversification then comes from three categories of investments: red is at-risk investments, blue is tax-free money, and green is principal protected money.

Stand out from your competition by helping clients get what they really want, - not just selling them a product.

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Hear from Others

Hear what other financial professionals have to say!

“I have found it easier to set appointments, close more sales than ever and build credibility and authority”

Still not sold on follow the process?

Let’s do a deeper dive into the three key areas of Follow the Process that have taken financial professionals just like you to the next level!

Before even worrying about converting leads into clients, we have to gain more leads. Many financial professionals struggle with simply getting leads. This mentorship program will teach you strategies to increase your leads using the same amount of marketing dollars, and most importantly how to get more of those leads into your office for a meeting. That means fewer cancellations, fewer no-shows and more qualified prospects. Follow the Process focuses on creating multiple streams of prospects with effective advertising and more effective seminars. All this is part of a marketing funnel system that magnetically turns something as simple as an email into a new client.

It doesn’t make much sense to learn how to get more leads if you are only closing 25-40% of them! What should be your goal? Closing 60-80% of the leads that walk through your door. Red, Blue, Green Concepts ® (RBG) has proven over and over again to be the best presentation software to convert leads into clients and skyrocket the size of each sale. RBG uses a simple and effective pie-chart graphic that not only shows what percentage of the client’s assets should be distributed where, but also explains the reasoning behind each of these choices. This is a super valuable tool for you and your clients.

Studies show that 77.5% of financial professionals think referrals are a critical part of their marketing, but only 11.9% of financial professionals actually ask for a referral. Why?

  • Seminars: With such an easy way to gain new leads, there’s less of a need to rely on referrals.
  • Internet: Everything is at the tip of your fingers! Someone looking for a financial professional can find one in their area in five seconds. Many financial professionals assume that their client’s friends and family already have another advisor.
  • No System: If referrals aren’t a daily part of your business model, it can be difficult to remember that asking for a referral is an option!

If you already have amazing clients that you trust, why wouldn’t you want to take on other similar clients? In Follow the Process, we discuss client referrals and how to build a process for bringing in referrals that works for you.

Who is Curt Whipple?

A Financial Professional, Just Like You

Curt has been in the financial planning industry since 1981. In 2001, Curt was working out of his home with one part-time assistant and making a little over $200,000 per year. In an effort to make things easier for clients to communicate their financial needs and desires, Curt created RBG Concepts ® software.

Curt is now combining the knowledge and experiences that has made him a top level advisor nationwide and is sharing his software program in an effort to help others attain a new level of success.

Part of Our Key Coaching

There are three main areas of Follow the Process are a fantastic presentation system, lead system, and referral system. Each of these keys work together to gain new prospects and convert them into clients! Plus they are designed to make you the most income off of each client as possible.

Lead System

Sales Presentation System

Referral System

Curt Has Been Seen and Heard On:


